Wrestler Mode
Randomly assign wrestlers to each player. You know who your wrestlers are, but you don't know when they are coming in.
Entry Number Mode
Randomly assign an entry number to each player. You know when your wrestlers are coming in, but you don't know who they are.
Mystery Mode
Randomly assign wrestlers to each player, but wrestlers are not revealed to the players until they enter.
Daredevil Mode
Randomly pick a year and the amount of wrestlers per player. Wrestlers are not revealed until they enter. For hardcore rumblers only!
Choose a game mode
Wrestler Mode
Entry Number Mode
Mystery Mode
Daredevil Mode
Disclaimer: This is a fan project and is not affiliated with the WWE. All video content is property of the WWE.
Basic Rules
When you wrestler enters the ring, you can start drinking your drink for that wrestler. When the wrestler is eliminated, you must finish your drink.
Rule 1 / 2
A wrestler enters
Each player should associate each of their individual drinks with 1 of their wrestlers. So you should have 1 drink per wrestler.
When one of your wrestlers enters the ring (the actual ring, not just the arena), you can start drinking the drink you associated with that wrestler.
Note: Sometimes a wrestler is announced and takes their sweet time entering the ring, or never enters at all!
Rule 2 / 2
A wrestler is eliminated
When a wrestler is eliminated (tossed over the top rope), you must finish the drink you associated with that wrestler as fast as you can.
Note: Wrestlers can leave the ring whenever they want by sliding under the ropes. They are not eliminated until they are tossed over the top rope and both feet touch the floor.
Basic Instructions
Select a Game Mode, choose what year of the Royal Rumble you want to watch, enter the names of your players, choose how many wrestlers you want to assign to each player, and play!
Step 1 / 6
Game Mode Selection
Choose between 1 of 4 Game Modes. Each mode changes how your wrestlers will be hidden and revealed to each player.
Note: If you choose Daredevil mode, you will skip steps 2 and 4 as it will randomize those for you.
Step 2 / 6
Year Selection
Next, you will choose the year of the Royal Rumble you want to watch.
The game will randomly assign wrestlers (or entrant numbers) to each player and send you to the Review screen.
Step 3 / 6
Choose how many wrestlers per player
Finally, you will choose how many wrestlers per player you want to assign, at minimum. You can always add more wrestlers to individual players later.
Note: Each wrestler = 1 drink. So if you choose 3 wrestlers per player, each player will have to have 3 drinks.
Step 4 / 6
Enter Player Names
Then you will type in your player names. Separate each player name by line (hit enter after you type their name). Then click "Create Players."
Note: This game works best if you get at least 3 friends to play. 4 - 10 players is ideal.
Step 5 / 6
Review Screen
The Review screen will show you the wrestlers (or entrant numbers) assigned to each player.
You can re-shuffle the wrestlers (or entrant numbers) assigned to each player by clicking the "Reshuffle Wrestlers" button.
You can add extra wrestlers to individual players by clicking the "Add Wrestler" button.
Now all you have to do is click "Start" and the Royal Rumble video will start playing.
Step 6 / 6
While You're Playing
Once you are playing, the video will have a side-bar on the right showing each play and their wrestlers.
If the year you are playing is fully automated, you don't have to do anything. The game will notify you when a wrestler enters and when they are eliminated. It will tell you who needs to drink and when.
If the year is not fully automated, all you have to do is click the the "Add Wrestler" button or press the "Enter" key on your keyboard when a wrestler enters the ring (the actual ring, not just the arena).